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Age UK Faversham & Sittingbourne has been awarded £3439 of National Lottery funding from Sport England’s Tackling Inequalities Fund, which aims to tackle inequalities in activity levels as a result of the impact of COVID-19.
The funding award will allow Age UK Faversham & Sittingbourne to grow on the success of their 'Walking Football' sessions with the launch of 'Walking Netball', both activities provide low impact exercise while at the same time tackling isolation through group activities.
Sport England’s work and contribution to Tackling Inequalities focuses on reducing the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on activity levels in under-represented groups, ensuring gaps between those who are active and those who are not do not widen during this period.
With a strong understanding of the needs and issues in their areas, Sport England has initially channelled £110,000 through Kent Sport to support community groups in their areas as a result of the impacts of COVID-19.
This funding and support will enable community groups working with target audiences – Lower Socio-Economic Groups, Black, Asian Minority Ethnic Communities, Disabled People and People with Long-Term Health Conditions (LTC) – to continue to exist and engage with their communities with a view to keeping them active during both the lockdown and early recovery stages.
Clare Burgess, Age UK Faversham & Sittingbourne's Chief Executive, told SFM News: “I am delighted that after the success of Walking Football we have now been awarded funding to launch Walking Netball, the Covid pandemic has had a huge impact on loneliness and isolation across Swale and this will enable us to offer another way of engaging socially with the added benefit of encouraging low impact physical activity. I look forward to welcoming the first group of Walking Netballers very soon”.
You can find out more about the current 'Walking Football' sessions by clicking here:
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