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Companies across Swale are being asked their views of the impact of the EU Referendum on their business.
Swale Borough Council are carrying out a business survey to help build a picture of the state of the local economy and to identify trends and issues since the last survey that was conducted in 2014.
As well as asking businesses their view on the impact of the referendum, firms are also being asked about areas such as exporting, access to broadband, property needs and training and employment.
Cllr Mike Cosgrove, Cabinet Member For Regeneration at the council, told SFM News: "As Brexit means Brexit, it is even more important for Swale companies to make their voice heard about those things that they want to see happen to help them grow. It would be really great if every one of them could help complete our new business survey so we have an accurate picture of local needs and pressures."
The council are hoping that the survey will build a picture of the local Swale economy and help them to identify potential new measures which could help to improve the local business environment. The results will also help to shape local service delivery at the council and will be communicated more widely to other business support organisations.
The survey runs until Friday 2nd September and businesses can respond to the survey online or by post - paper copies are available by request, or from Swale House. A number of surveys will also be sent out in the post during the next few weeks, to try and reach as many companies as possible.
For help and information about the support available to firms you can contact Swale Borough Council's Economic Development Team on 01795 417165 or you can email:
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