Local News

Kent Police To Target Uninsured Drivers

Kent Police To Target Uninsured Drivers

Roads policing officers in Kent are warning motorists that they will seize their car if it is not insured as they take part in a national campaign.

Between today (Monday 15th November) and this coming Sunday (21st November), officers will be focussing on uninsured vehicles whilst carrying out road checks and patrols as part of Op Drive Insured.

In the UK each year 130 people are killed and 26,000 suffer injury after being involved in a collision with an uninsured or untraced driver. This equates to one casualty every 20 minutes. Additionally one in every five collisions on the countries roads involve an untraced or uninsured driver.

Roads Policing Chief Inspector, Craig West told SFM News: "The use of uninsured vehicles causes an increased risk of harm to our communities. In the event of a collision with an uninsured driver the costs often fall to the law-abiding motorist involved who may lose their no claims bonus and have to pay their insurance excess out of their own pocket. In addition to the financial implications those who drive uninsured are often linked to other criminality and we are keen to get these vehicles off of our road network. Roads policing officers seize uninsured vehicles on a daily basis and can find out quickly if a car has insurance. When we seize a car it risks being crushed and the driver will be issued with six points and a £300 fine. Our message is simple, if your vehicle is not insured - don’t drive."

For more information please visit: https://www.kent.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/rs/road-safety/...

Age UK Receives An 'Inequalities In Sport' Grant

Age UK Receives An 'Inequalities In Sport' Grant

Age UK Faversham & Sittingbourne has been awarded £3439 of National Lottery funding from Sport England’s Tackling Inequalities Fund, which aims to tackle inequalities in activity levels as a result of the impact of COVID-19.

The funding award will allow Age UK Faversham & Sittingbourne to grow on the success of their 'Walking Football' sessions with the launch of 'Walking Netball', both activities provide low impact exercise while at the same time tackling isolation through group activities.

Sport England’s work and contribution to Tackling Inequalities focuses on reducing the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on activity levels in under-represented groups, ensuring gaps between those who are active and those who are not do not widen during this period.

With a strong understanding of the needs and issues in their areas, Sport England has initially channelled £110,000 through Kent Sport to support community groups in their areas as a result of the impacts of COVID-19.

This funding and support will enable community groups working with target audiences – Lower Socio-Economic Groups, Black, Asian Minority Ethnic Communities, Disabled People and People with Long-Term Health Conditions (LTC) – to continue to exist and engage with their communities with a view to keeping them active during both the lockdown and early recovery stages.

Clare Burgess, Age UK Faversham & Sittingbourne's Chief Executive, told SFM News:  “I am delighted that after the success of Walking Football we have now been awarded funding to launch Walking Netball, the Covid pandemic has had a huge impact on loneliness and isolation across Swale and this will enable us to offer another way of engaging socially with the added benefit of encouraging low impact physical activity. I look forward to welcoming the first group of Walking Netballers very soon”.

You can find out more about the current 'Walking Football' sessions by clicking here: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/favershamandsittingbourne/activities-and-events...

Safety Advice Given To Train Commuters

Safety Advice Given To Train Commuters

Personal safety alarms have been given out to Sittingbourne commuters as part of a visit by Kent Police officers to Sittingbourne Train Station.

Sittingbourne’s Town Centre PCSO Gregory Cain, and Swale’s Crime Prevention PCSO Matt Tennant, set up a stand on Tuesday (9th November) to talk to commuters about their personal safety. They also gave out free personal alarms and anti-drink spiking bottle stoppers.

The initiative was supported by Swale Council’s Community Safety Partnership which helped to provide the items given to commuters.

Officers also spoke to commuters about safety initiative, ‘Ask for Angela’, which allows people who feel unsafe, vulnerable or threatened to discreetly seek help by approaching staff at pubs, clubs and other venues and asking them for ‘Angela’.

While at the station the PCSOs further spoke with people about the launch of ‘My Community Voice’ (MCV), a two-way engagement tool set up by Kent Police for residents, businesses and community groups in Kent and Medway. 

MCV will enable Kent Police to update users with news, alerts, appeals, engagement events and general policing activities. 

To read more information about MCV please click here

Arrests Made After 'Man With A Machete' Call

Arrests Made After 'Man With A Machete' Call

Two people have been arrested and a man remains in hospital after a report of a man 'with a machete' in Sittingbourne town centre.

Officers were called just after 8.00pm on Friday (5th November) to Station Street, Sittingbourne to what officers described as "an affray involving two men".

It's believed that one man suffered injuries to his head and face and was taken to hospital by SECAmb (South East Coast Ambulance Service).

One witness told police that he has seen "a man with a machete".

Kent Police have confirmed to SFM News that: "following the incident one of the men, aged 29, was said to have been seen in possession of a knife. Officers attended and arrested this suspect at 8.39pm. He was taken to a hospital with head and facial injuries and he remains in hospital."

It's also believed that a second man, aged 37, was involved in the affray and that he was arrested yesterday (Saturday 6th November) on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm. He was bailed last night pending further enquiries by officers.

Anyone who may have seen anything is asked to contact Kent Police on 101 or they can call Kent Crimestoppers, free and anonimously, on 0800 555 111.

Thief Banned From Entering Sheerness High Street

Thief Banned From Entering Sheerness High Street

A Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) has been imposed on a repeat offender who stole from shops and committed anti-social behaviour in Sheerness. 

Michael Wickham, 42, of Crown Quay Lane here in Sittingbourne, has been handed the two-year order for continued nuisance behaviour in the town. 

The order bans him from entering Sheerness High Street and prevents him from loitering or remaining in any place within the boundary of the high street which includes Trinity Road, A250 Millennium Way and Victory Street. He is also ordered to ensure he leaves any premise when directed by police, PCSOs or anyone acting in a lawful capacity. He must also not be found drunk in any public place in Sittingbourne, Faversham or the Isle of Sheppey.

The CBO was issued as part of a sentencing on Thursday 14th October where he was jailed for seven days and handed the CBO. The hearing took place at Medway Magistrates’ Court in connection with two shop thefts after he was charged with stealing alcohol from Morrisons Supermarket in Thomsett Way, Queenborough on 24th May and at Tesco in Bridge Road, Sheerness.

PC Jamie Spencer of the Swale Community Safety Unit, told SFM News: "Mr Wickham is a prolific offender who is responsible for repeat criminality in the town which causes a lot of stress and anxiety to those living and working in and around the area. If he breaches this CBO he could face imprisonment of up to five years."

CCTV Sought In Connection With Thefts From Cars

CCTV Sought In Connection With Thefts From Cars

Local residents in Sittingbourne and Iwade are being asked to check their doorbell and CCTV camera footage after a man was arrested in connection with thefts from cars.

CCTV is sought from people living in the areas of Meadow Rise and Kingfisher Close in Iwade and Newlands Avenue, Sittingbourne. Residents are being urged to check footage relating to the early hours of today (Sunday 31st October).

Sergeant Daniel Pronger, who is investigating the thefts, told SFM News:"I would like to appeal to residents in Iwade and Sittingbourne and ask them to check their doorbell and CCTV footage for suspicious activity in the early hours of Sunday 31 October. Unfortunately there have been a number of thefts from cars reported in the Sittingbourne area recently and I would ask people to be vigilant and do all they can to prevent being targeted by a thief. Whenever possible remove all items of value from your vehicle when leaving it unattended, taking particular care to empty your car overnight."

Earlier today (Sunday 31 October) at 5:10am officers arrested a man in his 30s in the Key Street area of Sittingbourne in connection with nine counts of theft from a vehicle. All but one of the incidents are reported to have happened in the Sittingbourne area.

If anyone can help police with this investigation, please contact Kent Police on 01795 419119, quoting reference number 46/XY/8792/21.

You can also contact Crimestoppers, free and anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or by using the online form via this link: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information/forms/give-information-ano...

Council Leader Calls For Urgent Public Health Measures

Council Leader Calls For Urgent Public Health Measures

The Leader of Swale Council, Cllr Roger Truelove (Labour) is urging the government to introduce public health measures to deal with the winter threat of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses as soon as possible.

Speaking to SFM News Cllr Roger Truelove said: “Though Swale is now one of the least infected parts of the country, rates are rising, across the country deaths are too high and there is growing pressure on the NHS, which risks other serious acute conditions being delayed for treatment. We all understand that there is a balance to be found with the economy and individual hopes of normality, but there are measures that ought to be introduced that do not affect these considerations to the same extent that growing rates of illness will do. It is no good government just saying “get your booster. There is a strong body of opinion that there has been too much delay hitherto, especially at this time last year. I do not understand the motive for this, especially when both public health and scientific advice is calling for urgency.”


Daytime Sexual Assault In Sittingbourne

Daytime Sexual Assault In Sittingbourne

Swale officers, investigating allegations of a sexual assault in Sittingbourne, have issued a CCTV image of a man they would like to identify.

At around 1.40pm on Thursday (21st October) afternoon a woman reported that an unknown man grabbed her from behind while she was walking along Charlotte Street. It is alleged the suspect touched her over her clothing. The victim was able to get away and the suspect left the scene.

As part of their enquiries, officers would now like to speak to the man pictured. Anyone with information is urged to call Kent Police on 01795 417119, quoting reference 46/211600/21. You can also contact Crimestoppers FREE and anonymously by calling 0800 555 111, or using the online form at: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information/forms/give-information-ano....

2021 Civic Service Of Remembrance Details Released

2021 Civic Service Of Remembrance Details Released

Whilst we still navigate our way through the pandemic, Swale Borough Council will this year deliver a scaled back Civic Service of Remembrance at the Sittingbourne War Memorial on Sunday 14th November.

Individuals and organisations wishing to attend the service are asked to arrive by 10.45am and gather in the vicinity of the War Memorial and in Central Avenue car park, which will be closed all morning for the service.

Alternative parking, which will be free in all Council car parks on Remembrance Sunday, is available nearby in Albany Road, Swallows Leisure Centre and other town centre car parks.

The Mayor of Swale Cllr Paul Stephen will be supported by Reverend David Ridley, Team Vicar for St Michaels Church Sittingbourne and Reader Mrs Pat Tatchell, Benefice of Tunstall and Bredgar together with the Salvation Army (Sittingbourne Corp).

Service and community organisations are asked to minimise the number of representatives attending to manage the risks arising from the pandemic.

There will be an opportunity for all to lay wreaths and personal tributes at the end of the formal service but there will be no parade.

A road closure will be in place on Central Avenue from the police station down to the High Street from 9:00am onwards, to prepare for the service, and it will re-open at 12:00 noon, once the service has ended.


Council Welcomes Wheelabrator Expansion Decision

Council Welcomes Wheelabrator Expansion Decision

The High Court has rejected an appeal by Wheelabrator to overturn a decision by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to refuse permission for its new Kemsley North energy from waste (EfW) plant here in Sittingbourne.

Welcoming the decision, Cllr Tim Valentine, cabinet member for the climate and ecological emergency at Swale Borough Council, told SFM News: “Whilst incinerating waste with energy recovery forms an important part of the waste strategy, we must recognise that it low in the hierarchy. It is much better to produce less waste in the first place and recycle more of the waste that does arise. In Swale we are working to divert more food waste from the general waste bins. Collected separately, food waste goes to an anaerobic digester which feeds methane into the national gas grid and produces a fuel conditioner used in local agriculture.”

The Court ruled (on Friday 8th October) that the extra capacity of the proposed plant is not required under Kent County Council’s revised Minerals and Waste Local Plan and could have provided a disincentive to recycle more waste.

Wheelabrator, which has been acquired by First Sentier Investors and rebranded ‘enfinium’ — was granted permission to increase the capacity of its Kemsley K3 plant to process an additional 107,000 tonnes of waste per year, giving a maximum capacity of 657,000 tonnes.



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