Local News

Sittingbourne Woman Jailed For Work Fraud

Sittingbourne Woman Jailed For Work Fraud

A Sittingbourne woman has been jailed for 18 months after admitting stealing almost £200,000 from her employers over five years.

Karen Tracey Knowles, of Ferry Road in Iwade, was sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court on Wednesday 13th February after pleading guilty to fraud by misrepresentation.

The court heard how Knowles, 45, systematically stole from two separate local leisure companies whilst working in their finance departments as an administrator. She made payments to her own account in the guise of making approved payments to contractors hired out by the companies. Her deception was uncovered during a routine audit of finances at one company, reported to Kent Police in June 2012. Following an extensive investigation, officers uncovered more examples of Knowles' fraudulent takings and she was charged in November of last year.

Following the sentencing, investigating officer, Detective Constable Wendy Spain of Swale Police, told SFM News that "this conviction came about as a result of painstaking work by officers in our fraud teams. Knowles committed her crimes for a number of years but this should serve a message to other people who think they can get away with stealing from their employers - sooner or later it will catch up on you and Kent Police will not hesitate to bring you to justice. Stealing, theft and fraud will not be tolerated."

Local Police Target Burglary Rise

Local Police Target Burglary Rise

Four teenagers have been arrested as Kent Police officers continue their work on Operation Castle, their force-wide crackdown on burglary and vehicle crime.

Officers executed warrants and swooped on suspected burglars in theSittingbourne area, with four arrests since the weekend.

* On Sunday 3rd February, a 14-year-old boy from Sittingbourne was arrested in connection with a burglary committed in Park Road, Sittingbourne, the previous day, while on Monday 4th February a 17-year-old male, also from Sittingbourne, was arrested in connection with the same crime. Both have been bailed pending further investigation.

* On Thursday 7th February, officers executed a search warrant at Pembury Court, on Pembury Street in Sittingbourne, searching for stolen goods. A 19-year-old man was arrested and was in police custody held on suspicion of burglary.

In addition, a 16-year-old boy from Whitstable was charged with handling stolen goods on Wednesday 6th February after he was arrested in connection with a stolen bike taken from a shed in Park Road, Sittingbourne on 7th January. He will appear at Maidstone Magistrates' Court on Monday 25th February.

Toby Earnshaw-Glazier, 18, of London Road in Sittingbourne, appeared at Maidstone Magistrates' Court on Tuesday 5th February charged with burglary other than dwelling, officers caught him fleeing a garage he had broken into. Earnshaw-Glazier pleaded guilty and was handed a suspended prison sentence of 117 days. He was also ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work and given a curfew.

You can find out the latest on Kent Police's Operation Castle at:- http://www.kent.police.uk/news/latest_news/130205_op_castle_lau.html# or on Twitter #OpCastle.

Suspected Burglar Arrested In Sittingbourne

Suspected Burglar Arrested In Sittingbourne

A suspected burglar has been arrested within minutes of police being called to an alleged burglary in progress in Sittingbourne.

Kent Police were called at about 11.00pm on Monday (28th January) to a report that a garage was being burgled in Harrier Drive.

Officers attended and at 11.10pm arrested a 20-year-old man, from Sittingbourne, on suspicion of burglary and theft.

The suspect currently remains in custody.

Witnesses or anyone with information is asked to call Kent Police on 101 and quote Reference 28-1639 or they can call Kent Crimestoppers free (from any landline) and anonimously on 0800 555 111 .

Appeal After 320 Computers Stolen From HGV

Appeal After 320 Computers Stolen From HGV

Kent Police are appealing for witnesses after computer equipment worth almost £100,000 was stolen from a trailer in Hernhill on Tuesday 22nd January.

The trailer, part of a heavy goods vehicle, was parked in a road off Plum Pudding Lane between 7.30pm and 10.10pm, when 320 white Archos 10.1 XS computer tablets of 16 gigabytes, worth £299 each, were stolen.

Detective Sergeant Paul Fewtrell, of Kent Police, told SFM News: "We want to hear from anybody who might have witnessed the theft, or has information regarding the theft or the whereabouts of the stolen tablets. We would also like to speak to anyone who has been offered one of these computers at a knock-down price since 22nd January."

Anybody with any information is asked to call Kent Police's non-emergency number, 101, quoting crime reference XY/002453/13, or they can contact Kent Crimestoppers free (from any landline) and anonymously on 0800 555111.


Parking Fines Increase

A recent report has revealed that Parking Fines in Swale have increased by almost 53 % since Parking Enforcement was outsourced in November 2011.

The Report revealed that from November 2010 to October 2011 - before out-sourcing - 14,052 fines were imposed, bringing in £339,819.

From November 2011 to October 2012 - after the private company was brought in - there were 21,673 penalty charges issued, generating £523,187.

Labour leader Cllr Roger Truelove said these were ‘striking figures'

Cllr Truelove said: "You could say that prior to the contract, the council was very inefficient at collecting parking fines, or you could say that the contractors are over-enthusiastic ". Last year, he offered his support to businesses in West Street, Sittingbourne, who were losing trade because customers were frequently getting tickets while parking on a single yellow line outside. He said at the time that traffic enforcement needed a commonsense approach.



Major Fire At Sheerness Docks

Major Fire At Sheerness Docks

Kent Fire and Rescue Services were called to a large fire in a warehouse at Sheerness Docks on Monday morning 14th January. At one stage fifty firefighters were at the scene backed up by two tug boats fighting the fire from the water.

South East Coast Ambulance Service were also at the scene and treated five people for smoke inhalation, two people were subsequently sent to hospital for further treatment.

Thick black smoke hung over the Town for some time and was visible several miles away. The fire fighting was also hampered by the presence of gas cylinders. It is not known how the fire started but investigations continue.


Two Prisoners On The Run

Two prisoners, who absconded from HMP Standford Hill in Eastchurch on Wednesday (2nd January), are being urgently sought by Kent Police.

Anthony Hogan, aged 50 and from South London, is 5ft 7ins tall, medium build with balding hair and Nicky Gale, aged 29 and from Dartford, is slim and bald, with a scar on his left temple and a scar on his left hand. It is not known if they escaped together.

Members of the public are advised not to approach either men but to advise the police of any sightings by phoning 999.

HMP Prison Standford Hill is used for prisoners nearing the end of their sentence.



106.9 SFM Launched by Mayor And MP

106.9 SFM Launched by Mayor And MP

106.9 SFM was finally launched, after years of hard work and campaigning, on Thursday 26th July at 12 Noon.

The unvieling of the new studios and the switching on of the 106.9 FM transmitter was made by the Mayor Of  Swale, Cllr Pat Sandle and local MP, Gordon Henderson.


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