Dispersal Order Issued Following Antisocial Behaviour

Dispersal Order Issued Following Antisocial Behaviour

Kent Police have put in place a Dispersal Order covering Sittingbourne town centre across this weekend.

It's been issued after concerns from residents and business owners over recent incidents of antisocial behaviour throughout the area.

The enforcement earlier today (Friday 9th August) at 2pm and will run until 10pm on Sunday (11th August) night and covers the High Street, East Street, Roman Square, The Avenue of Remembrance, William Street, Grafton Road, The Butts, the entire section of the A2 that passes through the town along with Milton Road and Fountain Street.

The dispersal order gives Kent Police officers additional powers to move on anyone causing a nuisance and if necessary arrest those who return to the area after being spoken to.

Inspector Vanessa Foster, of The Swale Community Safety Partnership, told SFM News “We are committed to ensuring residents and visitors feel safe when out and about and we will not tolerate intimidating or disorderly behaviour. Officers will be patrolling the area and anyone found causing a nuisance will be required to leave. Any that choose to return once dispersed can expect to be detained.”

If you see any instances of antisocial behaviour you can report directly online via the Kent Police website or, a crime is in progress, call 999.


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