Anti-Social Behaviour

'Anti-Social Behaviour' Dispersal Order In Place

Dispersal Order In Place To Tackle Anti-Social Behaviour

A dispersal order is in place to tackle anti-social behaviour in central Sittingbourne.

It started at 2pm yesterday (Thursday 25th May) and will remain in place until 2pm on Sunday (28th May), covering Sittingbourne Retail Park as well as the High Street area.

The order has been implemented due to an increase in reports of anti-social behaviour in the district at weekends. It allows officers to stop anyone involved in disorderly behaviour and move them on from the area.

Dispersal Order In Murston And Great Easthall Issued

Dispersal Order In Murston And Great Easthall Issued

Individuals involved in anti-social behaviour are the target of a Kent Police dispersal order, which is being enforced in the Murston and Great Easthall areas of town.

Across July and the beginning of August, Police have received reports of young people verbally abusing members of the public and shop staff in the Murston Road, Church Road and Harkness Court areas.

It is also reported that teenagers have been seen poorly riding quadbikes and mopeds, in addition to swimming in a lake off Mulberry Way.

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