Local News

Shoplifter Jailed Within Two Days Of Arrest

Shoplifter Jailed Within Two Days Of Arrest

A Sittingbourne shoplifter has been jailed within two days of her arrest.

Between Sunday 5th November and Sunday 19 November, Rebecca Lee targeted three stores in the town centre on five separate occasions. Meat, cleaning items and laundry products were stolen from Morrisons, Lidl in West Street and Asda in Mill Way. At the latter, Lee assaulted a member of staff as she sought to leave the premises without paying.

On Wednesday 29th November, Lee, of no fixed address, was tracked down and arrested. She was later charged by investigators from the Swale Victim Based Crime Team with five counts of theft, common assault and a public order offence.

The 42-year-old pleaded guilty to all the indictments at Medway Magistrates’ Court last Friday (1st December). She was immediately sentenced to 120 days' imprisonment.

Inspector Vanessa Foster, of the Sittingbourne Community Safety Unit, told SFM News: "We are determined to target criminals who persistently steal from our local shops and bring them before the courts at the earliest opportunity. In this case, a prolific thief was swiftly charged and had no choice but to plead guilty at their first hearing due to the overwhelming evidence against her. Any others intent on committing retail crime in Swale can expect a similar result."


Council Expands Hartlip Conservation Area

Council Expands Hartlip Conservation Area

A conservation area in Swale has been expanded to include more areas of local importance.

Swale Borough Council has reviewed Hartlip and Bredgar Conservation Areas as part of their commitment to deliver the adopted Heritage Strategy 2020, Action Plan 1. 

After undertaking a public consultation on the conservation area’s character appraisals and the proposed management plan, the Council has expanded the borders of Hartlip conservation area (CA) and have kept the existing boundaries of Bredgar Conservation Area. 

Hartlip conservation area now includes the Cuckoo Orchard, Redcliffe chase, Keites Styles and part of Mount Lane. Hartlip is surrounded by beautiful orchards and is said to have derived its name from the Old English words ‘heoret hliep,’ meaning leaping place for harts or stags. The Hartlip parish church, which is dedicated to St. Michael, is one of the oldest standing buildings dating back to 1190. There is also evidence of Roman influence with a large Roman villa being discovered one mile from the church.  

Bredgar has substantial historic value having archaeological evidence of prehistoric, Iron Age and Roman settlements within the village and surrounding area.  

The buildings in both towns also add to their special character. The mix of building styles, dates, materials and types combine to create unique places, which speak of their locality and history. 

The council, as the local planning authority, is responsible for reviewing conservation areas from time to time.  

These reviews offer the opportunity to see if the areas still possess the special architectural and historic interest and are worthy of continued designation, which made them conservation areas in the first place.

The council also assessed how successful the designations had been over the past 50 years and whether they should be expanded or made smaller. 

Once an area has been designated a conservation area planning permission is needed to alter or demolish even unlisted buildings, trees within the area are given special protections and, in some cases, development is more restricted.

Cllr Mike Baldock, Swale's Heritage Champion, told SFM News: “We are fortunate to live in a place that not only offers incredible natural beauty but is also historically and architecturally important. Swale is an amazing place, and protecting the identity and charm of these villages is incredibly important to myself and the council. These conservation areas are a tool we can use to protect and enhance their uniqueness from irresponsible or unsustainable development. It is important for us to review these areas every now and then to determine how successful they have been in preserving their identity and if we need to make any changes to them".

Cllr Baldock went on to say: “Both Hartlip and Bredgar have great historical importance and the review found that they still need to be designated as conservation areas. I am very happy that the Hartlip area has become larger, this allows us to manage more of the village keeping its identity safe.” 

You can find out more about our local conservation areas by clicking this link:- https://swale.gov.uk/planning-and-regeneration/heritage-and-landscape/co....


Council Set To Plant Over 15,000 Trees

Council Set To Plant Over 15,000 Trees

Swale Borough Council is set to plant over 15,000 trees thanks to a government grant of £273,400. 

The funding, which came from the Forestry Commission’s Local Authority Tree Fund, will enable the council to plant 15,000 whips and 350 standard trees over the next 2 years and forms an important part of the council's Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan. 

The whips, when planted, will be under a metre tall and consist of a thin stem and few branches, but will grow into fully matured trees. They will be protected with biodegradable tree shelters. 

The council confirmed: "the fund aims to restore trees to areas impacted by disease and habitat loss caused by both natural processes and human activity and this project will benefit our society and local ecosystems by improving biodiversity, increasing carbon absorption and protecting against flooding".  

During the first winter planting season 10,000 whips and 200 standard trees will be spread across the borough, namely in Queenborough, Rushenden, Minster, Kemsley, Murston, Leysdown and Eastchurch. A wide variety of native trees are set to be planted including apple, pine, birch, oak, willow, maple, lime and a portion of the money will also be used to monitor and maintain the new trees for three years, with monthly visits taking place for the first eight months, at a minimum, to make sure they are safe and healthy. 

The project is being done in partnership with Blenwood Grounds Maintenance but will also be seeking the help of volunteers from around the community.

Cllr Rich Lehmann, Chair of the environment committee at Swale Borough Council, told SFM News: “We are very proud as a council to have successfully bid for this funding; it's great news. With these funds we will be able to plant more trees around the borough as well as maintaining them over a three-year period. Whips will be planted to reforest areas, and standard trees will be being planted to line our existing green spaces and urban areas. This investment into our natural environment will continue to bear fruits for our communities for years to come as the trees grow and mature."

Cllr Lehmann went on to add: “This will make Swale a greener place and create habitats to support our ecosystems, while also helping reduce the risks of flooding and remove carbon from our atmosphere. We would like to thank the Forestry Commission for this funding and look forward to seeing some more green in our borough. Please look out for opportunities to volunteer and plant these trees, we would love for the community to be involved with this amazing project.” 

The funding is part of the Government’s 'Nature For Climate' Fund.

You can find out more about Swale Bouncil's Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan by visiting: https://cee.swale.gov.uk/what-were-doing/our-declaration

Closure Order Granted Following Disturbance

Closure Order Granted Following Disturbance

A house in Newington has been subject to a partial closure order after it was linked to a disturbance.

The 28-day order was granted at Medway Magistrates’ Court last Wednesday (8th November) after Kent Police applied to the court for the partial closure of the house in Church Lane.

Under Section 80 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, the order prevents anyone from visiting or being inside the property, other than the landlord or the tenant, during that period, or else risk a custodial sentence or an unlimited fine.

Officers made the application following an incident which happened inside the property at around 6am on Sunday 22nd October.

While responding to the disturbance four officers were assaulted, which led to one of them sustaining serious facial injuries.

Seven people were subsequently arrested. Of those arrested the following were charged.

  • Luke Crowley, 32, of Lowe Avenue, Canning Town, was charged with wounding with intent and affray. He has been released on bail and is due to appear at Medway Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday 21 November.
  • Emma Tatham, 30, of Church Lane, Sittingbourne and Lauren Walsh, 21, of Winstanley Road, Sittingbourne, were both charged with affray and assault of an emergency worker.
  • Kerry Crowley, 52, of Church Lane, Sittingbourne, was charged with affray.


The three women were bailed upon charge and are due to appear at Medway Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 30th November.

Kent Police remind that anyone who find themselves affected by assault should report it via the Kent Police website (or by dialling 999 if a crime is in progress).


Sittingbourne Remembers

Sittingbourne Remembers

Tree Sentinels lined The Avenue Of Remembrance for Remembrance Sunday yesterday (Sunday 12th November) to mark it's 100 years at the heart of Sittingbourne.

This year's Service Of Remembrance was organised through the Sittingbourne Remembrance Sunday Event Organising Group made up of local individuals, groups and businesses and co-ordinated by Richard and Theresa Emmett of The Historical Research Group Of Sittingbourne (HRGS).

Mr Paul Auston, Swale's Deputy Lieutenant of Kent and the Mayor of Swale attended a service at St Michael's with Rev David Ridley which finished at 10:30am with the main congregation joining the Parade which marched along the High Street, up Bell Road, and via the Avenue of Remembrance to the War Memorial in Central Avenue. They were then followed by standard barriers, veterans, cadets, scouts and guiders, joined by public and tree sentinels along the route. Mayor, Cllr Sarah Stephen was on board an historic military vehicle which took her to the War Memorial in Central Avenue.

At 11:00am Minister Pat Tatchell started the service at War Memorial with The Last Post being played by the Salvation Army. The Doves of Peace were released after the 2 mins silence and Pat Tatchell invited the main 5 VIP wreath layers up to The War Memorial followed by the poem read by Richard Emmett. The Salvation Army played directly after the poem, whilst all other wreaths were laid. At 11:35am the 5  VIPs took the salute on the west side footpath by the Memorial,

At 11:40am The Parade (of Veterans, cadets, scouts, and guiders) marched north along Central Avenue towards the High Street, halted outside the Nat West bank and about turned to face south giving eyes ‘right’ to The War Memorial before marching on to Appleyard for dismissal and refreshments. The Deputy Lieutenant took the salute during the march past.

It was a very special occasion and was well received by all that attended and marked Remembrance Sunday and this year's 100th Centenary of The Avenue Of Remembrance, the only tree-lined memorial in the UK that is still a public highway.

Local Burglar Jailed Two Days After Arrest

Local Burglar Jailed Two Days After Arrest

A Swale burglar has received swift justice and is starting a prison sentence just two days after his arrest.

Last Tuesday (7th November), Kent Police received a report that a van had been stolen from a garage belonging to a business in Sittingbourne High Street. One of the company’s employees checked an onboard tracker and was able to alert officers to its location.

The van was spotted in Church Road and a patrol caused it to stop by pulling in front of it. The driver, Kyle Tyler, was then arrested and taken into custody. Once at the police station, Tyler spat on the floor of his cell and kicked one of the officers.

Tyler, of Victoria Road, Chatham was later charged by investigators from the Swale Victim Based Crime Team with burglary, driving without a licence, driving without insurance, failing to provide a specimen of breath for analysis, criminal damage and assaulting an emergency worker. The 44-year-old pleaded guilty at his first hearing before Medway Magistrates’ Court on Thursday (9th November). He was immediately sentenced to seven months’ imprisonment and will be disqualified from driving for 16 months.

District Commander for Swale, Chief Inspector Diane Middlemiss, told SFM News: "This offender has learnt to his cost that our patrols will quickly respond to crimes if we are alerted when they are happening. He has also learned that assaulting a police officer will have a significant effect on any sentence he receives at court. Constables and other emergency workers should be able to complete their duties without being attacked by violent individuals. Criminals who seek to cause injury to those who are responding to calls for assistance from the public can expect to be arrested, charged and swiftly brought to justice."

Local Remembrance Day Services 2023

Local Remembrance Day Services 2023




Church of St's Peter & Paul, Borden  (Borden)   

9.30am    The Parish Eucharist, followed by an Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial at 10.40 am, The Mayor will be represented by Councillor Mike Baldock, who will lay a wreath.

Church of St Bartholomew, Bobbing   (Grove)

10.45am    An informal service of Remembrance.  Councillor Simon Clark, representing the Mayor, will attend and lay a wreath. 

Church of St Mary the Virgin, Newington (Hartlip, Newington, & Upchurch)

10.15am   Service followed by an Act of Remembrance at 11am. Councillor Richard Palmer will attend and lay a wreath.

Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Upchurch  (Hartlip, Newington, & Upchurch)

10.15 am    Service of Remembrance Hon. Alderman Gerry Lewin, representing the Mayor, will attend and lay a wreath.

Church of St. Michael & All Angels, Hartlip  (Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch)

10.30am    The Service and Act of Remembrance. Councillor Chris Palmer representing the Mayor, will attend and lay a wreath.

St. Margaret’s Church, Lower Halstow  (Iwade & Lower Halstow)  

10.30am  Councillor Lloyd Chapman, representing the Mayor, will attend the service and lay a wreath.

All Saints Church, Iwade  (Iwade & Lower Halstow)  

10.30am   Service, with an Act of Remembrance at 11am, The Mayor will be represented by Councillor Roger Clark who will lay a wreath.

Holy Trinity Church, Milton Regis  (Milton Regis)

10.00am  Councillor Tony Winckless and Councillor Angie Valls representing the Mayor, will attend and lay a wreath at the memorial in the Church grounds.   

All Saints Church, Murston  (Murston)   

10.45am  Councillor James Hall representing the Mayor will attend the Service and lay a wreath at the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial outside the church at 11am.   

St Michael’s Church and the War Memorial, Central Avenue 

9.45am The Mayor, Councillor Sarah Stephen, accompanied by her consort Councillor Paul Stephen will attend the Church service and lay a wreath at the War Memorial.  Leader of the Council Councillor Tim Gibson will be in attendance.

St. Laurence Church, Bapchild  (West Downs)

10.30am Councillor Monique Bonney representing the Mayor, will lay a wreath on the altar. 



Church of St. Mary of Charity, Faversham  (Abbey/St Anns)

10.45 for 11am.  Laying of wreaths at the War Memorial, Stone Street. The Mayor will be represented by Councillor Carole Jackson who will lay a wreath.  The Service in the Church will be at 11.30am (approx) Councillor Hannah Perkin, representing the Mayor, will attend and lay a wreath.  

Church of St. Barnabus, Boughton.  (Boughton & Courtney)  

10.50 am.  Service and wreath laying at the War Memorial, The Street, Boughton.   The Mayor will be represented by Councillor Alastair Gould.

St. Mary’s Church, Selling (Boughton & Courtney) 

10.30 am Councillor Rich Lehmann, representing the Mayor, will attend and lay a wreath. 

Doddington and Newnham War Memorial (East Downs)  

3.00pm Hon Alderman David Simmons representing the Mayor, will attend and lay a wreath. 



All Saints Church, Eastchurch and Eastchurch War Memorial

10.00 am   Service and wreath laying.  The Mayor will be represented by Councillor Lee-Anne Moore and Councillor Tara Noe

The Lychgate, Leysdown (Leysdown and Warden)    

2pm.   Act of Remembrance.  Councillor Lee-Anne Moore and Councillor Tara Noe will attend and lay a wreath.   

Abbey Church of St. Mary and St. Sexburgha, Minster  (Minster Cliffs)

10.45am.   A Remembrance Service will be held.   Councillor Tom Nundy representing the Mayor will lay a wreath in the Chapel of Remembrance.   

Holy Trinity Church, Queenborough  (Queenborough & Halfway)

10.45am.  The Service of Remembrance in Church followed by the laying of wreaths at the War Memorial at 11am - Councillor Ashley Shiel will represent the Mayor.  

The Cenotaph, Sheerness  (Sheerness West)

10.45 for 11am   Service and wreath laying at the Cenotaph.  Councillor Angela Harrison will attend and lay a wreath.  Participants then process to Holy Trinity Church, Broadway, for a service at 11.45am

War Grave, Harty  (Sheppey Central)  

3pm approx.  Service and Act of Remembrance.  Councillor Elliott Jayes will attend the Service and lay a wreath.

Suspected Shoplifter Charged With Thefts

Suspected Shoplifter Charged With Thefts

An ongoing Kent Police campaign, to protect businesses in Swale from crime, has continued with multiple charges for a suspected shoplifter.

Kent Police was notified that on Monday 21st August 2023, a man had attempted to steal Lego worth almost £280 from B&M in Neats Court Retail Park, Queenborough.

Between Thursday 19th October and Sunday 29th October, staff at Sainsbury’s in Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne reported five separate thefts. Bottles of spirits valued at around £1,000 were allegedly taken by a man who left the store without paying.

Yesterday (Wednesday 1st November) Kent Police made an arrest in Central Avenue. Benjamin Ferrell, of Murston Road, Sittingbourne was later charged by officers from the Swale Victim Based Crime Team with six counts of theft.

The 36-year-old was remanded in custody to appear before Medway Magistrates Court later today (Thursday 2nd November). 

Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Selected

Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Selected

Members of the Sittingbourne and Sheppey Conservative Association have voted, by secret ballot, and have selected Aisha Cuthbert as the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Sittingbourne and Sheppey at the next General Election.

A special general meeting owas held on Friday 20th October 2023 at the Sheerness Conservative Club and Aisha, who has been active in the Sittingbourne and Sheppey Conservative Association attending functions and helping with election campaigns, such as the two recent by-elections for Cllr Mike Whiting and Oliver Eakin, was selected by members.

Aisha has been a councillor in Bromley since 2018 and is the Cabinet Member for Environment. She also works as Head of External Affairs for one of the leading providers in social housing, Riverside, which is responsible for The Quays in Sittingbourne.She is also a former Team GB masters national synchronised swimmer, for which she won the British Championships and was a medallist at the World FINA competition.

Speaking after her selection, Aisha told SFM News: "I am immensely honoured to be selected as the next Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Sittingbourne and Sheppey. I am keen to start running a positive and respectful campaign and look forward to meeting with local residents, businesses, schools, organisations, and more. If elected, I will try my best to represent the views of the residents of Sittingbourne and Sheppey in the Houses of Parliament.’

Welcoming Aisha selection, Jess McMahon, the Chairman of the Sittingbourne and Sheppey Conservative Association, told SFM News: "We are delighted that Aisha has been adopted as our candidate for the next General Election. We are excited to support her with her campaign and hope the residents of Sittingbourne and Sheppey will give her the chance to prove herself as the best candidate to be the next Member of Parliament.

The current Member of Parliament for Sittingbourne and Sheppey, Gordon Henderson, also welcomed the selection of Aisha and told SFM News: "I look forward to working with Aisha over the next year and passing over to her some of my experience. I am confident that if successful at the next General Election, she will make an excellent Member of Parliament and be a real champion for local people."

The maximum term of a Parliament is five years from the day on which it first met. The current Parliament first met on Tuesday 17th December 2019 and will automatically dissolve on Tuesday 17 December 2024, unless it has been dissolved sooner by order of King Charles III.


Witness Appeal - Attempted Burglaries And Theft

Witness Appeal - Attempted Burglaries And Theft

Witnesses and dashcam are sought after several attempted break-ins and the theft of a car in Swale.

Officers are investigating 10 incidents in which four men are alleged to have targeted houses and vehicles over seven days in September.

At around 2am on Friday 22nd September, an attempt was made to enter a home in Aspen Drive until the four suspects were disturbed by a neighbour.

Similar reports were received around an hour later in Nelson Avenue, where a group of people were seen trying to break into two properties.

Later that morning, offenders sought to gain access to a house and a vehicle in Southsea Avenue, and a black MG was stolen from Jasmin Close.

Kent Police were notified of further attempted burglaries during early hours in Faversham and Sittingbourne, between Saturday 23 and Friday 27 September.

The four suspects are described as wearing grey tracksuits with the hoods worn up. They also had black gloves and dark shoes. One man was carrying a black bag over his shoulder and holding what was believed to be a notebook. They all had their faces covered.

Investigating officer PC Georgina Harris of Swale’s Criminal Investigation Department told SFM News: "While the suspects were unsuccessful in their attempts to get into the properties they were targeting, we are linking all the reports and are urging anyone with information that may identify those responsible to contact our appeal line. Drivers with dashcam and residents with CCTV are also asked to check for relevant footage."

Anyone with any information is asked to call Kent Police on 01795 419119 quoting reference 46/170845/23 or, alternatively, they can contact Kent Crimestoppers FREE and anonymously on 0800 555 111 or by using the online form on their website.


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